Friday, August 13, 2010


After lots and lots of musing,this strange idea came to my mind that is should waste words.
But my mind is becoming like a empty bucket,just leaking sometimes.
Spending a miserable lonely life such lonely  place,now i really understand how it feels to be alone in a crowd.
But seems to be my personnel problem,may be i'm a mindless freak or a antisocial element or mouse in a cage.
Life is utter waste,i feel just wasting my time on earth,but same time many more questions arises to perturb me,i.e,what is time and what is use of it.god knows
Everything seems to be really very difficult and very easy,at same time.To live my life or spend it,it is becoming tough day by day.Most disturbing is staring strange eyes,these eyes are very penetrative,just tearing and mangling apart my soul.It is also very hard to carry my torn soul,which is being more mangled by known strange eyes.It is a carnage